Our journey begins as we look at Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. Many scholars now believe that the letter may have been written not to a church in Ephesus but as a general letter to believers anywhere. That is why this book makes for a good study for us this summer. We should look at it as if it were written directly to us, members of the body at FUMC Union City. With that in mind, we'll look at the first 14 verses of chapter 1 this week.
Ephesians 1:1-14
After a standard opening greeting, Paul jumps right in with terms that prove troublesome for us. Verse 4 says that "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world" and in verse 5 "he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ." This is one of those sticky terms that causes us to quarrel with our Calvanist friends. So, are we predestined to be Christians?
The answer is yes.....and no. Predestination as we often think of it states that God has chosen who will be saved and by default who will not be saved. As Methodists, we see it a little differently. God is all knowing, so He does know who will ultimately accept Christ as Lord. But He doesn't chose them. He predestines them to be saved by Christ and conformed to God's image through His sacrifice. He predestines that when we come to follow Him, we will do so through Christ as our Savior and by no other means. He doesn't choose the ones who will be allowed into heaven, but He chooses the route they will take to get there.
Paul begins to show us the full plan of God for man in verse 7 as he reminds us that we are redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Christ poured out by grace as part of the master plan of God to unite all things in Him. The fall of man created the chasm between God and His creation (us). The sacrifice of a man (Christ) sets into motion the plan to bring it all back together again. This reminds us that we are a part of something much bigger than what we usually see. There is a plan for all mankind that we must take a role in. Kinda helps us keep our complaints in check a bit, doesn't it?
Paul concludes by clearing up our inheritance rites. Everyone who has called upon the sweet name of Jesus have been sealed with the promised Helper, the Holy Spirit, as a sign of our inheritance in Christ. An inheritance is something bestowed upon another due to their connection or relationship. This connection usually involves blood. How fitting that we are heirs in Christ through His shedding of blood on our behalf!
The underlying message of this passage is one of unity with the Lord. We belong to Him as was God's plan. As His children, we have an identity in Him. That makes us truly brothers and sisters one to another. We once were abandoned and alone in a world that sought to destroy us and hold us captive. Now we are adopted children of a loving God, set free to experience love and a sense of belonging. And He had this planned out all along.
What feelings or experiences might you have that involve adoption? What does it mean to you to be adopted into God's family and become an heir to His kingdom? I look forward to your thoughts...
Only through the grace of God are we able to come to him and for that I am forever grateful and at the same time awe struck.
ReplyDeleteIf you are down on yourself or for whatever reason think poorly of yourself, you will be challenged and blessed by reading these Scriptures. Read them personally. God is speaking directly to you, to me. "In Him I have redemption through His blood" vs 7. "Which He lavished upon me" vs 8 "Making known to me the secret of His will" vs 9. "In Him I am made God's heritage" vs 11. What comes to the top is that I choose now the One Who has done so much for me.
ReplyDeleteThis passage reassures us that God has very distinctive ideals and plans for us as his children. God made the ultimate sacrifice for us, even knowing that we are imperfect and willful children. It gives me such peace knowing that He loves me and is planning for me even when I don't plan for myself.
ReplyDeleteThis also is how I feel about the children, biological and otherwise, that I encounter on a daily basis. I often tell my children that they cannot understand because I can see the "big" picture of their life. Life experiences have given me a different perspective than when I was young and I think I know so much more than they do but what I need to to is give guidance and let my children learn by doing. God gives me that opportunity everyday even though He knows more than I could ever know about my life. I need to have more faith that whatever happens, God has a plan and in the end all I need to do is be obedient to join my father in Heaven.
I am back in the office from annual conference. Scott's words, "Now we are adopted children of a loving God, set free to experience love and a sense of belonging. And He had this planned out all along", reminded me of the PACTO, covenant, that was established at annual conference between the Memphis Annual Conference and the Mexican Conference. Children were a central part of that Pacto. It is great to know that God accepts us all as his children. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. May the relationship between our two conferences and our new brothers and sisters be a witness to the larger family of God.
ReplyDeleteGod cherishes us. The more we know him, the more we will understand his love toward us. Tell someone what you've learned about who you are in Christ.
ReplyDeleteThese promises, these blessings, are amazing. Adoption, acceptance, repentance, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, grace, the seal of the Holy Spirit—EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. wow.
ReplyDeleteThese verses speak to me not what we have done but what God has done for us. We are made sons of God, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ!
I love Romans 8. "You have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption by which we cry out "Abba! Father!" What a personal relationship we can claim with our God.
We may not feel worthy for adoption but we are made worthy through Christ.It is important to know it is through Christ, through our faith in Him, that we receive these blessings. Verses 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, and 13 all underscore "in Him" and "through Him."
Every day we are to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and reside in us for understanding and power. "For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." Every day we are to claim these promises.
I thank God for His mercy and grace.
This online study is a good idea. Let's tell others about it.